What is an endowment?

Many of the print and graphics scholarships distributed each year by PGSF are funded by endowments. These are created by companies, associations, other foundations and individual supporters. Endowment funds are accounts set up with a specific purpose in mind. They are structured much like a mutual fund. The recipient organization can make regular withdrawals from the invested capital toward designated activities.


Why are endowments so important?

Unlike general donations to PGSF, endowments can accrue interest and grow in value based on the funds that PGSF invests in, making them essential to the growth of our industry.



How do endowments work at PGSF?

PGSF endowments are created in honor of individuals, families, associated founding members, or on behalf of an entire organization or corporation. Donations to an endowed fund can come from single or multiple sources and are tax-deductible.  Each year the earnings from these endowments are used to fund specific scholarships set up in the name of the company or person being honored by the endowment.


How many endowments does PGSF currently have?

Today, PGSF has more than 140 endowed funds representing $11,000,000, allowing us to distribute more than $600,000 annually to students and educators.


Can I create an endowment?

Yes! PGSF is happy to accept new endowments and will work with you to set one up. It’s easy to get started, and endowments can be funded over a 5-year period if desired.  Contact Jeff White, Director of Development for assistance at jeff.white@pgsf.org or 412.608.2855.


PGSF Endowments


There is a rich history behind the many endowments we oversee at the Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation. Read about the stories behind how many of our individual scholarships came to be and who qualifies for future funding!

CLICK HERE to meet our annual donors.

CLICK HERE to see our current endowments.

CLICK HERE to access the PGSF Endowment history book PDF.

Latest Endowment Blogs

The RAISE Foundation/Printing Industries Association of Southern California Scholarship

Established in 1975 The RAISE Foundation/Printing Industries Association of Southern California (PIASC) Scholarship was originally established by Recruiting, Advancement of Instructional, and Scholarships for Education […]

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Endowment History – Ben Franklin Society

Established in 2005 The purpose of the Ben Franklin Society is to recognize and honor industry leaders who have made lasting contributions to the printing […]

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Endowment History – Heidelberg USA Corporation Scholarship

Established in 2000 Heidelberg has been systematically driving the development of innovations for the global printing industry for over 170 years. With 10,000 employees around […]

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